YNU Sections Contact List

Becky Bailey, Tel. 07809 461331
County Recorders:
East Yorkshire
James Spencer, e-mail: eastyorksynu “at” gmail.com
North Yorkshire
Ian Court, Tel. 01535 658582
South Yorkshire
Martin Wells, S36 1DG Tel. 0114 2884211
West Yorkshire
Andy Jowett, jowett.a “at” sky.com

Freshwater Ecology
Chairman: Sharon Flint. flintsentomologists “at” btinternet.com
Mayflies, Stone flies and Caddisflies and aquatic ecology: Sharon Flint

Fungi and Lichens
Chairman and assistant recorder: Alan Braddock, Tel: 01924 275631

Chairman: Mr Bill Ely, Tel: 01709 367913
Secretary: Mr Stuart Foster, Tel: 01302 887143

Dr Colin Howes, Tel: 01302 811037

Marine and Coastal
Chairman: Adrian Norris Tel: 0113 274 5244
Recorder: Paula Lightfoot, p.lightfoot “at” btinternet.com

Chairman: Dr Terry Crawford, Tel. 01904 760849
Recorder: Mr Adrian Norris, Tel: 0113 274 5244

Recorder Tom Blockeel, Tel: 0114 2366861

VC61: Sarah White
VC62: Gill Smith
VC63: (West) Kay McDowell, (South) Louise Hill
VC64: David Broughton, broughton3164 “at” gmail.com
VC65: Linda Robinson, lindarobinson157 “at” btinternet.com

Reptiles and Amphibians
Robert Jaques, robertjaques26 “at” gmail.com, tel: 07895 880916

Spiders and Harvestmen
Spider Recorder: Richard Wilson, riwspider “at” yahoo.co.uk
Harvestman Recorder: Peter Nicholson, petenich “at” btinternet.com