Summer Programme 2020

Everyone is welcome to the meetings below.  For outdoor meetings wear stout footwear, suitable weather wear, sunblock and insect repellent. For day meetings bring a drink and packed lunch. Please will you let the Secretary know if you plan to come to any of the Nat’s meetings listed below so that she can tell the leader who to expect. 

Attendance is at your own risk. Children under 16 should be accompanied by an adult.
Other visits may be arranged at short notice, depending on the weather.
Mothing sessions  – bring a torch, hot drink and warm clothes. Sessions may be cancelled if the weather is unsuitable. 

Doncaster Naturalists’ events are in bold.

For further information and directions contact the general secretary at enquiries “at” .

Date Meeting
Wed 18 7.15 pm Parklands Club The Sundew Plume. Now Cancelled
Sun 22 Early Spring Flowers at Norwood. Leader Louise Hill. Meet at 10am at Roche Abbey car park SK542900 (off A634). Yellow-star-of -Bethlehem, Moschatel.
Wed 1 2.30pm Parklands Club Woodland management in Doncaster by Tim Bryant. Now Cancelled
Thur 9 Potteric Carr. Meet at 10am in the car park. Leader Nora Boyle. Cancelled
Wed 22 Thorpe Marsh looking for Great Crested Newts. Meet at Norwood Gate
SE594087 at 7:30pm. Leader Mick Townsend. Wear warm clothes and wellies, bring a torch. Cancelled
Sat 25 North Cave Wetlands YWT reserve. Meet in the lane at 10am SE886328
Leader Nora Boyle. Cancelled
Sat 2 Spring walk Thorpe Marsh. Meet at Norwood Gate SE594087 at 10:15. Leader  Mick Townsend. Cancelled
Wed 6 Brockadale walk at 7pm. Cowslips, Early Purple Orchids, Orange tip and Brimstone butterflies.    Meet in the car park SE512174. Leader Joyce Simmons. Cancelled
Sat 9 Dawn Chorus. Sandal Beat Wood. Meet at 4:30am at the car park at the end of the Straight Mile SE609037. Leader Louise Hill.
Wed 20 Old Moor RSPB reserve. Birds and Flowers. Meet in the Visitor Centre at 10am
SE422022. Afternoon visit to Broomhill Flash. Leader Nora Boyle. Cancelled
Wed 27 Broad Oaks Farm and riverside walk. Meet at SE657019, DN9 3HX at 2pm.
Rescheduled for Tuesday 9th June 2020 and Wednesday 17th June – limited to 5 members attending each outing
Leader Caroline Barrass.
Fri 29 &   Sat 30 Potteric Carr Bioblitz: 4pm Fri to 4pm Sat. If you wish to help please contact Louise Hill. Cancelled
Wed 3 Brockadale walk at 7pm. Warblers, Marbled Whites, Orchids.
Meet in the car ark SE512174. Leader Joyce Simmons. Cancelled
Wed 10  Finningley Churchyard. Meet at 2pm in the churchyard. Park in Rectory Lane DN9 3DA.             Leader Tricia Haigh. Cancelled
Sat 13 Thorpe Marsh Pond-dipping. Meet at 10:15 at the Norwood Gate SE594087.
Leader Mick Townsend. Cancelled
Mon 15 Crowle Moor. Large Heath butterfly and Dune Helleborine Orchid. Meet at 10:30 in car park at SE758140, west of Crowle village. Leader Joyce Simmons.  Cancelled
Sat 27 Butterfly Walk. Brockadale and Wenthillside. Meet at car park SE512174 at 10am.                         Leader Paul Simmons. Cancelled
Sun 28 Fishlake with YNU Botanical Section. Leader Louise Hill. Meet at 10am at SE673147 (Jubilee Bridge).
Wed 1 Brockadale walk at 7pm. Summer flowers and butterflies. Meet in car park SE512174.                   Leader Joyce Simmons Cancelled
Sat 4 Dearne Valley YNU meeting, Meet at car park on A633 east of Barnsley SE372064 at 10:30.        Leader Joyce Simmons. Cancelled
Sun 5 Thorpe Marsh Summer Fliers. Meet at 10:15 at the Norwood Gate SE594087.
Leader Mick Townsend. Cancelled
Wed 8 Hurst Lane Gravel Pits. Meet at 6pm at SK638985. Leader Geoff Carreck. Cancelled
Sat 11 River Torne Washlands. Meet at 10:30 on Toad Holes Lane SK619985. Leader Louise Hill. Cancelled
Thu 23 Thorpe Marsh. Meet at the Norwood Gate SE594087 at 7pm for Purple Hairstreaks and possibly mothing. Leader Mick Townsend. Cancelled
Sat 1 Rotherham Canal. Meet at 10:30 at SK413921. Leader Geoff Carreck Cancelled
Sat 1 tbc Lindholme Fete. SE708063. Doncaster Nats stall, exhibits and walks. Setting up from 9.30am.           Fete starts at 11am. Cancelled
Wed 5 Brockadale walk at 7pm. Purple flowers and butterflies. Meet in car park
SE512174. Leader Joyce Simmons. Cancelled
Sun 9 Potteric Carr with Bradford Botanists. Meet at 10:30 in reserve car park. Leader Louise Hill. Cancelled
Wed 12 Fen Carr hedgerows. Meet on lane at SE659154 at 10:30. Leader Colin Howes. 
Sat 22 Brodsworth Community Woodland. Meet at 10am in the car park at SE538074.
Possible lunch at the Pickburn Arms. Leader Nora Boyle.Due to health reasons, Nora is unable to lead this walk on Saturday 22nd August, therefore it has been postponed until Wednesday 26th August.
Sun 6 Kings Wood nr Bawtry. British Plant Gall Society. Meet at SK651945 at 10:30am.
Leader Tom Higginbottom.
Wed 9 Grave’s Park, Sheffield. British Plant Gall Society. Meet at 10:30 at SK357825.
  See Winter Programme 2020-2021