Nora has suggested the following.

In these difficult times when one is isolated but still interested in getting out in your garden or in the locality and observing nature, we propose this new section as a means of sharing your local studies/observations/interests with the Nats membership.

Send contributions in whenever you have something of interest to share. These can be a description, a sighting and/or photographs that will then be added under your own blog heading. The list will be refreshed each year, but past blogs will still be available for viewing in this archive.

Send your contributions to Les (lescoe “at” and they will be added to your blog.

Archive 2025

Archive 2024

Tricia Haig
Nora Boyle
Tony Finch
Les Coe

Archive 2023

Tony Finch
Tricia Haigh
Nora Boyle
Colin Howes
Les Coe

Archive 2022

Louise Hill
Tim Prosser
Colin Howes
Nora Boyle
Les Coe
Geoff Carreck
Jo Carreck

Archive 2021

Louise Hill
Tim Prosser
Nora Boyle
Tom Higginbottom
Geoff Carreck
Tricia Haigh
Tony French

Archive – 2020
Laughton Wood – Les Coe 
Ian McDonald’s Observations
Caroline Barras Wanderings
Louise Hill’s Observations
Grove Park – Nora Boyle
Hagg Wood – Nora Boyle
Tom Higginbottom’s Wanderings
Mick Townsend’s Records
Anthony French Observations
La Femme Fatale by Anthony French
Catherine’s Garden Project
Brockadale by Paul & Joyce Simmons