Tuesday 2nd July 2024 – Field trip  to Edlington Pit Wood

Edlington Pit Wood

Present HH ,CB and RB, JS and PS, JB

 The colliery site has been landscaped and planted  mainly with conifers but other colonising species have encroached to give some other habitat. There are two areas with ponds and reed beds. The tracks lead up the summit with a small cairn and two benches with views back to Rossington and further along a view of Conisborough Castle.

As the waste  heap when reclaimed  did not have  a  topsoil  dressing it is still visibly  quite rocky and the resulting  poor soil has benefitted the abundant flora that was seeded and is thriving.

Trees and shrubs

Alder, Ash, Aspen, Birds Laurel, Burnet Rose, Cherry, Conifers, Dogwood, Dog  Rose, Hawthorne, Larch, Rowan, Sycamore, Silver Birch.


Alder Beetle larvae, Cinnabar caterpillars, Meadow Brown butterflies,  Large Skipper butterfly, Ringlet butterflies


Predominately Ox Eye Daisy with Bee Orchids (20+) , Pyramidal orchids  (1000+ ), Common Spotted orchids ( 1000+)

Agrimony, Black Medick , Bloody Cranesbill, Birds Foot Trefoil, Bristly Ox-Tongue, Creeping Cinquefoil, Creeping Thistle, Wild Carrot, Common Centaury, Cowslip, Common Field Horsetail, Clover, Fairy Flax, Fleabane, Goat’s Beard ,Glaucous Sedge, Hop Trefoil, Kidney Vetch, Meadow Vetchling, Mouse-ear Hawkweed, Wild Parsnip, Ploughman’s Spikenard, Pineapple  Mayweed, Ragwort, St John’s Wort, Self-heal, Salad Burnet,  Teasel, Rosebay Willow Herb, Great Willow Herb , Yellow Wort


Chiff Chaff ,Warbler (Reed /Sedge?).

Hilary Hilton