Leeds Mercury Wednesday 25 May 1938


Mr. George L. Sutcliffe, president and one of the oldest members of the Doncaster Scientific Society, has died at his home in Tickhill Road, Balby, at the age of 63. Mr. Sutcliffe was keenly interested in photography, and was an enthusiastic worker for the Doncaster Camera Club, of which he was vice-president. He was authority on local history, ornithology and photography.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer Friday 27 May 1938


Mr. G. L- Sutcliffe, who died last Monday at his home In. Tickhlll Road, Balby, Doncaster, aged 62, was burled Doncaster Old Cemetery yesterday. Interment followed a service at St. John’s Church, Balby, conducted by the Rev. D. V. Hewitt.

Mr. Sutcliffe, who was on the locomotive accountants’ staff of the L.N.E.R. at Doncaster, was recently elected president of Doncaster Scientific Society for the sixth successive year, and was also a vice-president of Doncaster Camera Club.

Nearly 100 railway colleagues attended the funeral, in addition to representatives of the L.N.E.R. from King’s Cross, Stratford and York. The Scientific Society and the Camera Club were also represented.