Sheffield Daily Telegraph Friday 4 May 1928

At the annual meeting of the Doncaster Scientific Society, Dr. S. P. Rowlands was elected president, Mr. T. W. Saunders and Mr. M. H. Stiles vice-presidents, Mr. H, Belton, treasurer; Miss Crowder, general secretary and Mr. A. A. Dallman (retiring president) scientific secretary.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph Monday 25 June 1928

In pursuit of natural history study, members of the Sorby Scientific Society of Sheffield and the Doncaster Scientific Society, under the guidance of Mr. A. A. Dallman F.C.S., explored Peter Wood and Edlington Wood on Saturday.

Sheffield Daily Telegraph Monday 24 September 1928


A field meeting of South Yorkshire naturalists was held on Saturday to investigatethe area between Birdwell and Stainborough. Under the leadership of Councillor E. Snelgrove, B.A., there were present about fifty members representing the Sorby Scientific Society, Sheffield, and the scientific and naturalists’ societies of Barnsley, Doncaster, and Rotherham. Many interesting botanical observations were made, but the principal object was to collect and study the fungi of Rockley Wood.

After tea in the Strafford Arms Hotel. Stainborogh, the “finds” were placed on exhibition, and Councillor Snelgrove identified and described them. He said that owing to the continued dryness of the seasons he had not anticipated their efforts that day to be especially productive in such a class of fungi, which, in the main, is one flourishing under moist conditions. It was not surprising, therefore, that those growing on trees and stumps were more in evidence than the ground species. The trees did not show anywhere signs of serious attacks. He was surprised at the amount of material collected. This was due, undoubtedly, to the large number of members in attendance, which permitted of a most thorough exploration being carried out. In richness of species this fungus foray had been most satisfactory and instructive, and more than compensated for the usual greater abundance of well-known forms.

Mr. A. A. Dallman, F.C.S., editor of the “North Western Naturalist,” and past-president of the Doncaster Scientific Society, expressed thanks to Councillor Snelgrove for his valuable services. Joint meetings, such has been held that day, were very desirable, and greatly facilitated the solution of problems with which naturalists were engaged.

South Yorkshire Times and Mexborough & Swinton Times Friday 28 September 1928

Study of Fungi.

A gathering of South Yorkshire naturalists was held last Saturday in Rockley Woods, near Hoyland. The Sorby Scientific Society of Sheffield, and scientific and naturalist societies from Barnsley. Doncaster, and Rotherham were represented.

Many botanical specimens were collected, but the principal object of the meeting a study of fungi of Roekley Woods. Coun. Snelgrove, of Sheffield, who was in charge of the expedition, give a short address on these fungi, and said he was surprised at the amount of material which the party had been able to collect.

Mr. A. A. Dellman. F.C.S., editor of a naturalist journal, past president of the Doncaster Scientific Society, and a member of the staff of the Mexboro’ Secondary School, thanked Coun. Snelgrove for his services on behalf of the assembled naturalists.