Doncaster Naturalists’ Society

Minutes of the committee meeting held on 29th February 2024 at Potteric Carr.

  1. Present. Jim Burnett (President), Nora Boyle(Past President), Margaret Prior(secretary), Joyce Simmons(Programme Secretary), Les Coe(Webmaster), Louise Hill(Recorder), Colin Howes and Hilary Hilton.
  2. Apologies. Gerri Stevenson(Treasurer).
  3. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes were distributed before the meeting and accepted.
  4. Matters arising. There were no matters arising that weren’t already on the addenda.
  5. Treasurer. The treasurer was absent. The secretary let the committee know that there had been a new member and wanted to check if he had paid his subs.
  6. Data Protection. The past president distributed copies of the data protection form with sections highlighted that needed changing. The necessary changes were discussed and agreed upon. The form will be amended by the secretary and sent out to all members. ACTION the secretary to amend the form and send it out.
  7. The Doncaster Naturalist Journal. The programme secretary asked how many copies she should have printed, it was decided that 60 copies would be needed. She also outlined the two quotes for printing one was £238 plus VAT for 50 copies, the other was £60 but would be on inferior quality paper. It was agreed that we should have the better quality. How to distribute the journal which will be free for members in honour of the late Pip Seccombe was then discussed. It was decided to distribute to members at meetings where possible and only post them to members who cannot at present attend meetings through illness. ACTION: The programme secretary to get the journal printed.
  8. Summer Programme. The programme secretary asked for any comments or issues with the programme.
  • Hilary Hilton said that her email was incorrect.
  • Colin Howes suggested that we add Ad Hoc visits to ancient woodlands when an inventory of ancient woodlands in the area is distributed, which should be soon. Volunteers are needed to survey the sites to look for signs that the woodland is ancient i.e. plants/flowers present and things like archaeological features.
  • Louise Hill said that her visit to the Thorne Colliery site could be become complicated but will clarify details closer to the meeting.
  • Nora Boyle asked if The Friends of Dunsville Quarry offer a donation when we meet them should we accept. It was felt that we should accept but not ask for one.
  • All trips (NATS and YNU) to be in bold except things like the Lindholme Fete.
  1. Bat Detector. A document written by Colin Howes was circulated. It was decided after discussion to buy an Echo Touch 2 for Android Louise Hill is going to order it. We will try it out on an Android tablet. At a later date the society will consider buying an android tablet.
  • Archives Update. Colin Howes has been making notes on what is in the NATS cupboard and his inventory is almost complete. Colin has concerns about what is in his old office. NATS member Bob Marsh who also works for the council will have a say on what will be kept and what will be thrown out. Colin is concerned about the loss of paper documentation. Colin intends to liaise with Bob Marsh over this.
  • Moviemakers Feedback. It was a successful night but not that well organised, there were some difficulties with our contributions. Next year we will have all our contributions on one flash drive and take our own lap top and projector.

The meeting ended at 3.05pm.

Next meeting in August TBD.