Minutes of the Doncaster Naturalists’ Committee Meeting held on 28th September 2023
Present: Nora Boyle, Joyce Simmons, Gerri Stevenson, Margaret Prior, Les Coe, Colin Howes and Louise Hill.
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes were accepted by Joyce Simmons and seconded by Nora Boyle.
- Matters Arising
- Only a couple of articles have been submitted so far for the next publication of The Doncaster Naturalist journal. Action: Nora to remind members at the next meeting that articles can be submitted.
- It was agreed that copies of the next journal would be given to each member in Pip Seccombe’s memory who has bequeathed £1000 in her will. The issue will be dedicated to the late Pip Seccombe.
- There was a discussion about buying a new bat detector with some of the money from Pip’s estate. It isn’t clear who is in possession of the existing bat detector owned by the society. Action: Louise Hill to look for it at her house although she thinks that John Scott still has it. Action: Colin Howes to look into buying a bat detector that will also detect bush crickets.
- The Doncaster Naturalist Journal Colin Howes has a number of articles/papers that Pip Seccombe has been involved with over the years. Action: Colin to select articles to send to the editor of the journal, Paul Simmons so that he can choose articles for the publication.
- The editor will have free time in January 2024 to put the journal together so will need submissions by then.
- The possibility of selling journals through the YWT shop was discussed.
- Colin Howes has articles on wall ferns, Marsh Ferns and canaries in mines which he will send to the editor. The canaries in mines article being of significance as the late NATS member Geoff Carreck was instrumental in getting rid of the practice.
- Meetings
- October 4th No one has sent Joyce any photos yet Action: Nora to remind members by email. Joyce is confident that the evening will run smoothly as members bring photos on memory sticks.
- Dunsville Quarry meeting. Everyone agreed that the meeting was a success and the Friends of Dunsville Quarry have asked us to go again. It was pointed out that the society also received some good publicity through the Friend’s Facebook page and the Thorne Times. It was agreed that we give the Friend’s of Dunsville Quarry a copy of the next journal.
- The Green Space Network. Nora Boyle and Colin Howes attended a meeting but only had 10minutes to talk about the society in a crowded agenda. However, Nora will maintain contact with the network. Also, connections were made with the Friends of Thorne Community Woodland and the Friends of Hyde Park Cemetery. There is a possibility of joint meetings with these organisations in the future.
- Inclement weather. It was decided that the responsibility of cancelling or postponing an outdoor activity due to inclement weather rests with the leader.
- A meeting is needed before the AGM to approve the accounts and was set for December 7th 2023.
- New President
- Nora asked when she should announce that she will not be standing as president at the next AGM. It was agreed that Nora should email the membership to let them know anytime soon and ask for nominations for the post. It was decided that there was no need to list the duties of the president but to invite anyone interested in the post to contact her for more information. Jim Burnett was mentioned as a possibility and it was decided that the fact that he does not have the internet at home need not be a problem as he volunteers at the library where he has internet access ther. Meetings could go back to being face to face again. Action: Nora to email members.
- Gerri Stevenson displayed the Facebook page that she has created and compared it to the Barnsley Naturalist group. Gerri had a number of questions about the design and wording, it was agreed that it was acceptable. The logo was discussed; it was decided to stick with the logo designed by Kate Prior. Action: Margaret Prior to select a logo and send it to Gerri for inclusion on the Facebook page/group. Gerri explained how the page would work and the difference between a page and a group. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed that we should have a page to act as an advertisement for the society and a group for members to contribute to. Action: Gerri to set up the Facebook group and anyone on the committee could be administrators. Action: When the group is set up then the secretary will let members know and invite them to join.
- The group will be open to members and possibly ex members like Ian McDonald who contributes to the website already.
- Gerri was thanked for her work in producing the page.
- Member Projects
- Examples of possible collaborative project were suggested and discussed. Joyce Simmons suggested one involving the recording and monitoring swans using the numbers on the rings around their legs and comparing them to swans found in different areas of the borough.
- Colin suggested three possible projects. The first being a re-survey of Japanese Knotweed which was last done in 2011. The second to re-survey Himalayan Balsam, Orange Balsam and Floating Pennywort. The third was to look at the Sweet Chestnut trees in Kings Wood to measure their girth.
- Louise has an on-going phrenology project which includes a dawn chorus walk at the beginning of May each year.
- Nora suggested insects on Ivy flowers.
- Action-Nora to introduce the idea at the first indoor meeting and Margaret to ask members if they have a personal project that they could work on with other members of the society.
- Date of the next meeting is December 7th at 3pm. Nora said that she didn’t like the ‘Teams’ platform and would pay for ‘Zoom’.