Minutes of the committee meeting of Doncaster Naturalists’ Society 8th December 2022

Present Nora Boyle, Joyce Simmons, Margaret Prior, Les Coe, Colin Howes (from 16.20) before that on the telephone.

Apologies: Louise Hill

Geoff Carreck was remembered at the start of the meeting and he and his wife Jo are in our thoughts. Margaret Prior will take over writing the minutes.

  1. The minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by Nora Boyle and seconded by Joyce Simmons.

  1. Matters Arising
  • The old museum has been named ‘The Doncaster Archives and Local Studies Centre’ but isn’t open as yet.
  • The Doncaster Green Space Network meeting is on December 9th but Nora Boyle cannot attend. In response to a questionnaire they are putting on a course on Risk Assessments, action Nora will attend.
  • Most leaders are now providing extra information for members so that they can decide whether to go or not. Providing mobile phone numbers of leaders is advisable for contact purposes. Indoor meetings in the evenings to keep the 7pm start time. The quiz was discussed with most questions coming from Nora Boyle, Joyce Simmons and Colin Howes. Joyce Simmons to collect some winter twigs. Margaret will provide some moth questions. Nora will contact Louise Hill about the quiz prize. Action: Nora, Joyce, Colin and Margaret to set questions. There is a possible problem with the pub lunch after the New Year Walk as they are short staffed-Joyce Simmons will check again after Christmas but a table is booked. Action-Joyce to get in touch with the pub.
  • Joyce has a video about a year in Brockadale. Nora has photos of the birth of a seal pup at Donna Nook and possibly a video. Action-Nora will produce a presentation on the fungi at the almshouses. Action: Margaret to ask membership for contributions. The topic will be discussed at the AGM.
  • There has been little interest in having a Facebook page but we will return to the subject next year.
  • The Bog Oak Chair. Nora read out an email from Leanne Hornsby about the chair and there followed a discussion about our contribution to the cost of having it dated. It was felt that as the chair belonged to the museum and thereby DMBC that they should arrange the procedure and pay the bill to which the Society is willing to contribute £250 (decision). Action: Colin to write to Leanne telling them of our decision.
  1. The AGM.
  • Nora is willing to continue as treasurer for another year but would prefer to pass the job on to someone else. Action: Margaret and Nora. Margaret to contact the membership about the need for a new committee member and a new treasurer. Nora to contact Anne and Paul Davies who may be interested in the posts.
  • Nora shared the accounts and will send them out to the members before the AGM but send paper copies to the members not on email. Action Nora.
  • After a short discussion it was decided to continue with committee meetings by Zoom.
  1. Geoff Carreck. It was decided that we would not put anything else on the website about Geoff other than the announcement already made.
  2. The Denaby Ings Project. Colin has already provided some of the findings to Jim Horsfall of the YWT and is working on putting all the results together in a report. Action-Colin will write a report and present his findings at a meeting at Parklands on April 5th at 7pm.
  3. A new lap top computer. Colin has been looking into the Nats purchasing a reconditioned lap top. He has found one in mint condition costing £350 and it was decided to purchase it after first checking if it included software. Action Nora to reimburse Colin.
  4. The Doncaster Naturalist journal. It was decided to put it on the agenda for the AGM and ask members for possible articles to go in it. Les mentioned that there wasn’t a link to the last copy of the journal on the website. Action-Joyce to ask Paul if he has a PDF version of the journal to send to Louise. Colin said that the wall ferns project and the Denaby Ings project would be suitable for the publication.
  • Nora suggested that when a member submits a project to Les to put on the website they should let the secretary know so that the information can be passed on the membership. Action-Margaret to tell this to members.
  • Action-Margaret to let members know about the AGM, that it is the Tofield Room.
  1. The date of the next Committee meeting was set for February 9th on Zoom at 3pm.