Held at 48 Wicklow Road Doncaster on Friday 4 September at 2.30pm.
Present: Nora Boyle (in the chair); Geoff Carreck; Louise Hill; Colin Howes; Margaret Prior; Joyce Simmons.
Apologies: Les Coe
Nora welcomed Committee members to her garden. The Committee was pleased to hear that Pip was doing well and able to accept socially distanced visitors. Geoff was persuaded to take the minutes.
YWT Surveys
Colin had been in discussion with Jim Horsfall of the YWT concerning survey work the Society might do on their local reserves. He had produced a long list of 12, of which three had been highlighted viz. Whin Covert, Thorpe Marsh and Denaby Ings. Colin advised against Whin Covert as it was hazardous terrain, had poor access, and no parking. He might do some work there, solo. The Committee considered Thorpe Marsh had been extensively surveyed over the years. The focus would therefore be on Denaby Ings. Louise remarked that it had a heronry, a colony of grass snakes and SSSI status. She recalled that the latter was granted when the crack willows were found to harbour rare beetles in the1960/70s. Louise would review the citation and look at the Museum’s archive.
Colin would consult the Invertebrate Site Register (produced by Roger Key).
Nora suggested the St. Aidans visit be postponed and a reconnaissance of Denaby Ings substituted. Joyce considered an early visit was vital to catch a decent insect population. Nora suggested Bob Marsh and other specialists be involved, e.g. Tom might like to look at the local galls.
Nora will invite Bob Marsh.
Louise stressed the need to define the topography of the site. We would need site maps. Perhaps we should ask if Philip Whelpdale could give us the YWT records for the site. Colin said that there used to be an active Management Committee.
Geoff would contact Jim Horsfall to discover if it was still extant. He would ask about maps and records at the same time.
Maybe a moth trap could be set up.
Winter Programme
The pandemic had made indoor meetings this winter highly unlikely. Parklands was operating in a very limited fashion, if at all. Nora and Joyce suggested that outdoor meetings be extended into the winter months. The St. Aidans visit would be postponed until 11 November and we would descend on Denaby Ings at 10.30 am on 26 September.
A new visit would be made to Howell Wood, S. Elmsall, on 7 October at 11a.m.
Kevin Gilfedder would do his scheduled Fungal Foray on 17 October.
On 31 October Louise suggested Topham wetlands site, run by the Burnet(t) Heritage Trust. Louise would ask Simon Mitchell for information and the best time of day for a visit.
On 11 November the rearranged St. Aydan’s visit would take place.
On 28 November a visit to Anston Stones (10.30 start) would be scheduled.
On 9 December a visit to the “Amazon Basin” i.e. i-Port, at 1pm for murmuration purposes.
On 21 December the Xmas walk, perhaps at Potteric. To be determined.
Joyce will issue the new/revised programme as soon as possible, with grid references where required.
Les will do a moth page on the website if you send him photos.
Stuart Foster had e mailed Nora about Samantha Batty, who is interested in moths, bugs and beetles, especially cerambycids. Nora is waiting to hear from her.
Nora thanked members for their attendance, who thanked her in their turn for her hospitality. The next meeting will be at the call of the chair.