YWT Potteric Carr – 13 July 2024

A rather quiet day but worth it for the Kingfisher at Piper Marsh

RSPB OLd Moor – 25 June 2024

A hot, but overcast Tuesday with not a lot happening on the lagooon.

Harrycroft Quary, South Anston – 11 May 2024

Although a working quary the bird life seems to ignore the disruptions. First time I have spotted the little owl. It was disturbed from it’s roost when the sun moved round. The raven was not happy when a buzard flew over it’s territory so it quickly chased it away.

Lound Gravel Pits – 10 May 2024

Finally, after two years of trying, I managed to photograph a turtle dove.

Sherwood Forest – 8 May 2014

A pleasant morning spent wandering through the forest looking for redstarts without success (heard but not seen). Also seen but unable to obtain a photo of GS woodpecker and tree-creeper.

Harrycroft Quary, South Anston – 7 May 2024

A working Limestone quary which has a public footpath that circumnavigates the perimiter of half the site. Distant views can be obtained of a pair of peregrenes and a pair of ravens, which are at home in this environment, although it can be said that the site is managed sypathetically for the birds by Tarmac.

NWT Idle Valley NR – 6 May 2024

The good weather continues, and so do the garden warblers. Just need the footpaths to dry up to make walking safer.

Lound – 5 May 2024

A sunny warm morning with 38 species recorded, including hobby, common tern, cuckoo, garden & willow warblers, black cap, chiffchaff, great & little egrets. High water levels is keeping the waterbirds away.

Lound – 2 May 2024

A morning walking along the river trying to photograph the secretive garden warbler, without success.

Lound – 21 April 2024

Lound – 20 April 2024

First Cuckoo heard calling, also Great and Lesser Whitethroats calling. Bitterly cold northerly and water levels too high at the moment.

RSPB Adwick Washlands – 18 April 2024

An exceptional days birding; 51 species record including Swallows, Sand Martins, House Martins. LRP, Common Sandpiper, Yellow and White Wagtails.

NT Longshaw, Derbyshire – 13 April 2024

A return to this delightful NT estate agter several years to photograph a more exotic bird.
Typical dark peak weather, rain.

RSPB Adwick Washlands – 12 April 2024

Another visit to this delightful open reserve to see what spring has brought in so far.
31 species recorded that included common sandpiper, redshank, black-tailed godwits (10), avocets (numrerous), singing reed warblers and cetti’s warblers, reed bunting and linnets amongst others.

Lound – 11 April 2024

Another warm day feeling springlike at last. Looking for willow warblers today.
Also spotted beefly, alderfly, speckled wood, brimstone, a white, and mining bees.

Lound – 6 April 2024

A strangly warm day (19 deg.) with blustery winds that kept the birds sheltering. Trees now getting some leaf cover which helps to also hide the birds. More beefly, brimstones and Peacocks about.

Lound – 31 March 2024

Another sunny day enjoyed chasing the chiffchaffs. Still waiting for my first willow warblers to arrive.

Lound – 26 March 2024

A warm sunny morning, my first Beefly sighting. Lots of Brimstone about. 
Chiffchaffs a plenty, a joy to hear the song of the Blackcap again, and Cetti calling but could not locate for a photo.

RSPB Adwick Washlands – 18 March 2024

Another sunny morning and my first visit to the site this year. Highlight was a distant pair of Med Gulls amongst the Black-headed Gulls.

NWT Idle Valley (Lound) – 16 March 2024

First Butterfly of the year, a Brimstone; lots of Bumble bees on the willows and 35 bird species counted incuding my first Chiff Chaffs for the year.

Sherwood Forest – 14 March 2024

An improvement in the weather encouraged getting the camera out again. A report of a Marsh Tit visiting a feeding table was my target for today.

Dinnington – 6th March 2024

I posted this email to our committee members seeking further information regarding the early emergence of a local bat.

Whilst walking my dog this afternoon, at 5,50 pm I watched a bat flying around our local park.
I am not aware when they come out of hibernation, but did think that this was rather early, especially with the low temperatures we have been having of late.
Can anyone enlighten me?

I received a responce from Louise and Colin, and I include Colin’s detailed explanation here.

Dear Les,
The bat observation is fascinating, particularly regarding the early date and cold temperatures.
Although a rare occurrence, these aberrant emergences do happen.
Specimens out and about in winter that have been caught and examined by researchers have mainly turned out to be under-weight males. Presumably their lack of winter fat reserves has triggered their emergence in a desperate bid to feed … presumably on the odd winter moth or may be a cloud of winter gnats.
Actually it’s very unlikely they could find enough food even to replace the energy expended in emerging from hibernation and revving up to take flight.
Typical Males … rubbish at organising their lives … too busy socialising in the autumn to properly fatten up for the long sleep.
The Females, on the other hand go into hibernation well fed, fat, round and possibly pregnant (or at least inseminated) and well prepared for their future responsibilities.

YWT North Cave – 30 Jan 2024

RSPB Old Moor – 23 Jan 2004

On an over-cast, rainy day so light quality is poor.

YWT Idle Valley NR (Neatholme Scrape, Lound) – 18 Jan 2024

The winter roost of gulls attract the preditors

RSPB Old Moor – 16 Jan 2024

RSPB Old Moor – 6 Jan 2024

YWT Potteric Carr – 13 Jan 2024

Herring gull being mobbed by black-headed gull.

Herring Gull – Larus argentatus

Lesser black-backed gull – Larus fuscus